Birthday Wishlist 2012 :)

Truth be told, I’m dreading Tuesday, the 17th. This is my first birthday ever that I’m not giddy and excited about. A few days ago, I’ve been talking and feeling negatively about my 26th. I was crying while calling a friend and I’ve been whining about the wrong decisions and choices I’ve made, that I’m 26 and nothing significant has happened to my life yet, and the epic fail life plan of getting married from 24-26. You see? End of boundaries. Haha! 

A “friend” told me that God has better plans for me. I know, I know. I’ve been trying to sell that to myself too. But this hard-headed, emo, birthday girl won’t buy it. Then one afternoon coming from a meeting in UP, I rode a jeepney going to Q.Ave MRT. I saw the driver lovingly put his brother’s (I suppose) seatbelt and urged him to rest and sleep. The kid gently refused and said he wants to help him in getting the fare and giving change. They laughed and teased each other on the way. I was smilingly silently to myself, amazed at how happy they seem to be. The kid asked his kuya to buy him slippers and the kuya said he doesn’t have extra money yet. It melted my heart and I wanted to volunteer to buy him slippers, but I didn’t. I was too shy to intrude.

The incident opened up my eyes and I realized there are a lot of other people who have bigger problems than me, but may even be happier. And from that day, I put a very conscious effort of being grateful and shooing away the birthday blues. But I’m still a work in progress. Two days to go!! Hooray!

Yikes, I’m off-topic. Boohooo! 

Because I can’t think of anything to wish for my birthday. Hahaha! I just wanted this birthday to be simple and fun. Okay, so as to comply, what I wanted for this simple birthday would be:

1) Isaw/Ice Cream/Mangga with Bagoong food trip/”date” in UP.

2) Nothing beats the personalized letters, letters, letters from all over. =)

3) Flowers (just like last year) Haha

4) Gmask for Portia (just like last year) 

5) Massage GC/Voucher.

6) Anything that can be used/displayed in our new home (which we have to find yet)

7) Aroma therapy candles

8) School supplies — notebooks, pens, pencils, erasers, hihi  (Motivate me to enroll! )

9) Love, love, love ❤

10) Peace of mind

Dear friends, I hope this list isn’t late. Assuming. Hahaha! =))